#000: Are we making progress?
Members: There are currently no new members.

As we all know, Gleam TCG has been on indefinite hiatus since July 5, 2020. This TCG has been my project since June of 2015 and it just saw the light of the day last year, December 2019. In case any of the members are wondering about the progresses so far, the TCG is getting there. With the system I've been using from Shizen, I'm happy to tell you that Gleam will be much easier to manage now! Everything is pretty much in here already, but of course the big ones are still waiting in line—a proper shop page for all items to purchase and the bishie collection forms. I'm yet to study that, but since Rheanna and I are now working to make Stack better, member decks will be added as one of its features soon (which is fairly similar with the bishie collection)!

This is still going to be a long journey for the TCG management system we're working on, so while we're finishing it up, Gleam's decks will be remade. The #our-thoughts channel and the comments section will still be open for your suggestions and inquiries, so don't hesitate to let me know them so I can add them while making the changes (you can DM me directly if you're shy, hahaha).

Below are the list of changes that I've been doing from front-end to back-end.


  • Information page changed to a full wiki
  • Games reconstruction - all possible games that are easy to update are now playable on-site.
  • Card template changed from horizontal to vertical - all made decks previously both released and upcoming will be remade.
  • Currency change combining all single-flavored lollipops to one which will be a rainbow lollipop
  • Charm Shoppe merchandise - power boosters will be discontinued but the abilities will be switched either to coupons or skills, postcards and magazines will be discontinued as well.
  • Forum cleanup - will try to remove the forums as much as possible but still having second thoughts.
  • Back-end:

  • Changed TCG management from MyTCG to Stack CMS.
  • Automatic weekly updates including deck releases, wishing shrine, basic blog update.
  • Services should now be done on-site.
  • Shopping cart and shoppe page - will finish up the coding part using both currencies.
  • New database tables setup to ensure possible script and cron jobs will work properly.
  • Anyway, that's it for now! I do hope to see everyone again once we're back. I'm sorry that I'll have to cease the activities of this TCG, I just feel like I need full-time concentration on this without the worries of weekly freebies and stuff. I'd like to thank everyone for the patience through the TCG's ups and downs and I'd like to apologize if I'm not a good owner. This is my first time running a TCG, so I'm really sorry for the mistakes, stupid decisions, and probably incompetency. Again, thanks a bunch everyone for all the support and love! This is definitely not good-bye for Gleam, and it gave me a good experience plus I've met good friends and awesome people. Love y'all minna-san~! — Aki ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

    Aki January 15, 2022 Add a Comment (1)

    Welcome to *GLEAM TCG, an online TCG that focuses on bishounen or pretty male characters from various anime, manga and video games of Japanese origin. If you have further questions about the TCG, kindly check out our wiki page. If you are interested in playing a TCG particularly a bishounen one, then you are very much welcome to join us!
    Gleam TCG


    Status:Indefinite Hiatus
    Established:June 25, 2015
    Members:4a ( 1p / 0h / 0i / 0r )
    # of Decks:1 (+47 upcoming)
    *GLEAM TCG is updated every Sunday, GMT+8!

    All deadlines are *GLEAM TCG's local time:

    Kindly login your account in order to access the entire TCG.

    If you just joined this month and don't have it yet, you can grab the monthly event card! Just comment on the latest update with it.

    Event Achievement: ec-122024
    December 2024
    S M T W T F S